Articles of preparing articles for printing in the scientific journal “Education – Technology – Computer Science”
The articles shall be written by means of the programme Word 97-2003 or Word 2007, page format: A4; margins: 2.75 cm top, 8 cm bottom, right – 5,9 cm; left – 2,5 cm; system: 1.2 cm header, footer 7.0 cm font – Times New Roman 11; style – normal; space between lines – single. number of pages - 6 (16 000 characters with space).
In the journal, they testify to the style of APA:
Annotation – In the article content: (Półturzycki, 2014, s. 19).
Footnotes of legislative acts – In the article content: (Ustawa, 2001, art. 1, par. 4).
Footnotes of web sources – In the article content: (Półturzycki, 2014) jeśli strona organizacji (MNiSW, 2014).
Bibliography – according to the pattern:
Books: Półturzycki, J. (2014). Niepokój o dydaktykę. Radom: Wyd. ITE.
Books written under editorial office: Nowak, A. (red.) (2015). Psychologia. Warszawa: Czarna Owca.
Chapter in collective work:
Denek, K. (2007). Uniwersytet w europejskim obszarze szkolnictwa wyższego. W: M. Kozielska (red.), Edukacja dla społeczeństwa wiedzy (s. 45–63). Toruń: Wyd. A. Marszałek.
Articles in the journal:
Chraska, M. (2015). The acceptance of ict by teachers and its development between 2004 AND 2015. Journal of Technology and Information Education, vol. 7/2/2015, 5–16.
If article have the DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Nowak, J., Kowalski, A.B., Zawadzki, G. (2001). Modelowanie. Praca i Technika, 12, 54–56. DOI: 10.1016/jhkj.2008.11.011.
Internet sources:
Jankowska, E. (2017). Style bibliograficzne oraz programy do zarządzania bibliografią i cytowaniami na przykładzie EndNote Online. Pobrane z: ttp:// 324.pdf (24.01.2017).
MNiSW : Downloaded from :
Layout of the document
Name and surname
Title in article
Title in English
Full Affiliation
- title of scientific
- the name of university/ institute / workplace
Summary of the article (native language)
Key Words of the article (native language)
Key words
Article contents:
- introduction
- main part
- conclusions
Contact address
The article content shall be sent in an electronic form at: or on CD and 1 printed copy at the editing office address. The letter should include a statement that will be sent after registration to the e-mail (personally signed statement is a condition of print).